Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Is The Lonlinest Number, Actually, Not Really

Note to reader: this will probably be a VERY long very Mormon post, that I doubt anyone has time to read. But here goes anyways.
This week I had a really good conversation with my roommate about being alone, which I have pretty much been since about January. Yes I have people around me and friends but I don't really have anyone around me that I tell everything to and really connect with like I have had in the past. If you don't know this about me, I'm kind of a people person. Or a least a person, person. I've said a few times, I don't need a lot of friends, I just need one. I was dreading moving away from my best friend in January, but it's not that bad!

Over the past few months, and especially weeks, I've felt alone a lot, but I haven't really been lonely. Which, by the way, is one of the worst feelings so I'm pretty glad I haven't had to deal with it much. I learned, I enjoy being by myself (meaning more than just alone time). I still enjoy being with people of course, but I'm okay not having someone to talk to all the time. This is good considering the number of active members at my college is going from three to two next year (my sister is graduating).

But sometimes of course it can be challenging being by yourself. The thing Mallory mentioned in FHE that really helped is that when Elder Bednar came to this stake before I went to school here he said something along the lines of, you may feel alone because you are few in number but know that all around the world are millions of other people who are doing the same things, so really you're not few in number, you're just spread out. That was the gist I got anyways.
I think its really easy for members of the church, especially in the east where we are relatively few in number, to feel like we are alone in living the gospel. But it is really comforting to know that although there may only be one other person at my college that knows what I know and is doing the things that I do, there are tons of people in the same boat who are trying to live the gospel without many others around them doing the same thing. And strength can come from those unseen people.

By the way I have family and friends who love me, who are just not in the general southern Ohio area and that's why I'm by myself. So, don't think I'm alone alone. It could be a lot worse and I'm grateful its not! But, if you're feeling alone, hopefully you're not lonely and if so realize that you of course are never alone. And hopefully you know the person that's always with you!

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