Wondering where I've been the past 3 months? I'll tell you.
I finished Oakcrest. Leaving that place may have been more bitter than leaving my home. I still feel weird introducing myself as Miranda. After Oakcrest was over somethings happened that really got me in a funk. A couple weeks later, we had a meeting and I got to see some of my favorite 2010 staff. After that, life was good again. There's something about being Goldielocks and seeing the people I love and grew so much with that just makes me happy and makes everything in life, no matter how confusing or sad, good. I miss it every day.
I also got to go home! I saw Ellas, and Prestons, and Brennens, and pregnant sisters, and parents, and old friends. It was wonderful.
So now for the latest...... I started GRAD SCHOOL. Yep, grad school. Yep, BYU! Yep, the thing that will be the death of me. Yep, reading more pages than my brain can hold. Yep, staying up til the wee hours of the night trying to remember what I'm reading. Yep, having no social life. Yep, helping people make their relationships and families better and helping to fulfill the plan of salvation. I don't think grad school cold have a better pay off than that.
I LOVE my program. I really like my cohort and I think although it is going to be tough I'm going to grow a lot and it's going to be great.
In other news... I was SO blessed with the roommates I got for the year. They are the nicest. And they're clean, and go to bed early, and don't watch much TV. Could I be any luckier?! They are perfect for me! It is going to be a great year.
On a different note the past three months have been filled with a lot of heart break for me. I have had things, places, situations, and people taken out of my life that I really wish were still there. It's been rough. However, I would like to say a little something about healing. The very first day of one of my classes the first thing the professor said was something to the likes of "I want to be very clear where healing comes from. It does not come from me as a therapist and therapy only facilitates it. Healing is a divine gift. It is a gift from Deity." I know that to be true.
Sometimes things happen in life that we don't understand, and are just difficult and we don't know how to fix it. We want to do something to ease our pain but we don't know how. I've learned time and time again, if I know how to do nothing else but pray and keep the commandments, I know enough. When we strive to keep the commandments and develop a stronger relationship with our Father in Heaven and Savior, no matter what is going on in life, we will feel the healing power of the atonement come into our lives and heal our wounded heart. We can feel peace and happiness amidst the junk going on around us. I've really had to apply that the past few months. And it's been great.
Here's to a happy fall!
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