Tuesday, April 19, 2011


In case you haven't heard:


Last week was the wedding and reception and Mal and her hubby are already back in Idaho. My big sister is now a wife and I must find a new partner in crime. We are happy to have another Jeff in the family. Welcome my new brother-in-law. I hope you know you just inherited a little-sister-moocher. You've been warned. :)

At the wedding I was humorously made aware that I am the only single one left. We did a sibling picture with the brides family and all was dandy. My brother, two sisters and I all smiled happily.
Then they added the sibling spouses. As one by one the spouses came, I was pushed farther and farther to the side until I wound up on the end all by myself, behind one of my bros-in-law. Of course everyone giggled and they pulled me towards the middle so I didn't look so pitiful on the end. And in the background I heard my brother singing "One of these things is not like the others."

Maybe this should have made me feel bad because of the lack of romantic love in my life. But all I could think was "Suckers! You have to be adults! I still get to do whatever I want!" Not the most meek thing but, being the only single sibling remaining, has kindled the vagabond spark in me. I know eventually someday I'll get married and have a family, and be really happy doing it. But seeing my siblings and many of my good friends take on lifestyles where they now are accountable to spouses and children makes me want to live up my single days! And travel the world and do humanitarian service, and just be free!

As of last Wednesday I am the last original Goldie Girl. There are two current Goldie Girls (my wonderful sister-in-law and me), but of the original 3, I'm the only one left. And for some reason, this gives me the overwhelming desire to RUN from men and be a free free Goldie. And keep the last name that matches my hair so well. Oh, I just never want to grow up!


sarah said...

Goldielocks! I support your running free as a single Goldie Girl and traveling the world! I love you and I'm glad your life is going well!

Mallory said...

You could always marry a family member...

Miranda said...

Mallory, I don't get it.